The President wasted no time issuing an executive order requiring all Americans to pray 5 times a day to Zoroaster while standing inside a flaming pentagram. The President also signed orders making available abortion on demand, even to people who are not pregnant, and requiring public schools to indoctrinate children into the homosexual lifestyle. “Because I am also gay,” he admitted.
The President also announced that “My first legislative priority is a bill that gives white Christian babies to Jews so they can drink their blood at Passover because I am also a Jew and a baby killer.”
“This is truly a historic day,” Obama told reporters, “I have now become the first Black Arab Muslim Nazi Communist Gay Baby-Killing Jew ever elected to the highest office in the land.”
In other news, Obama admitted that he actually hates puppies and instead has acquired this adorable cat as the new Whitehouse pet.
Author's Note: Trickstermom apologies for encouraging you too click on the links in this article. There are some rocks on the internet that it is better not to turn over. But the cat is cute. For more, check out http://www.catsthatlooklikehitler.com/
1 comment:
Thank you for linking to my story about how Obama hates puppies and the family owned puppy mills that sell them. My most recent story about Obama's secret ceremony where he swore his oath on the Koran is definitely proof that he is indeed Muslim.
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