Monday, November 3, 2008

McCain Puts Country First: Votes for Obama

Late today, in move many pundits are calling, "super dooper extra mavricky" John McCain announced he was endorsing Barak Obama for President. " I am going to go to the polls tomorrow and cast my ballot for the man best able to lead our country and it sure as heck isn't me." McCain told reporters.

Pundit Bill O'Reilly had harsh words for McCain after the endorsement calling him part of the "lunatic left fringe", and encouraged his listeners to vote for McCain "regardless of who that hippy freak is voting for himself."

Sean Hannity opined that McCain had "come completely unhinged" but stressed that McCain was still more qualified than Obama whatever McCain may think.

McCain went on to say, "Let's face it, I'm old, my ideas are old fashion, Sara Palin is a whack job and I was just endorsed by Dick Cheney! Can we do better than that? My friends, Yes We Can!"

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